
March Photo a Day

So, here is most of March's Photo a Day pics (new to old).  Sorry, it's a long post and maybe a little boring.

Day 26: Key {We have a lock box on our door!  Yes, we've put our house on the market, again!  The reason for being MIA from the blog}

Day 25: Breakfast {Jake loves his waffles in the morning}

Day 24: Animal {She doesn't think she's an animal}

Day 23: Moon {Do you see it...it's starting too early}

Day 22: Kitchen Sink {Yellow rubber gloves and bottles drying, an everyday occurrence}

Day 21: Delicious {Tacos!}

Day 20: Before/After {Our laundry room after the update...maybe I'll post some more befores and afters one day}

Day 19: Funny {Aunt Becca is so funny}

Day 18: Corner of Your Home {That's our liquor cabinet}

Day 17: Green {My sweet baby boy really started walking on St. Patty's Day}

Day 16: Sunglasses {Cool Dude}

Day 15: Car {The Jeep...getting close to 200k miles!}

Day 14: Clouds {Beautiful Day}

Day 13: A Sign {Go Pack}

Day 12: Fork {Eating a yummy salad}

Day 11: Someone You Talked to Today {Jakey, Georgia, and Aunt Becca}

Day 10: Loud {Mommy and Daddy were loud watching the State/UNC game}

*All pictures via my iphone and instagram

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